
Called a “creativity guru” by the Minneapolis Star Tribune and “always alert to offbeat angles” by the Wall Street Journal, Paul brings to clients 32+ years of PR and social media marketing experience with such brands as 3M, Hormel, Caribou Coffee, General Mills, Deluxe Corp, Pitney Bowes, OfficeMax, NordicTrack, Hazelden, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Minnesota and Cirque du Soleil.
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Arik Hanson

9 Social Media Trends Every Marketer Must Know For 2021: A Conversation with Arik Hanson

From TikTok, LinkedIn and Twitter to Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook – if you’re in marketing, you’re eager to predict how your brand can more effectively…

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Magician shuffling cards in mid air

Nine Marketing Secrets of Houdini and Other Master Magicians

Apple’s Steve Jobs, Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Tesla’s Elon Musk, best-selling authors Seth Godin or Malcolm Gladwell, who are the business gurus that have inspired you? As…

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Empty KTSP Broadcast Studio

6 Ways to Score a Broadcast Interview in the Midst of COVID-19

Has anything changed with how PR pros and corporate communicators should approach TV and radio producers during this COVID-19 pandemic and economic meltdown? Ohhh—heavens, yes!…

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B2B Marketing During a Pandemic Crisis: An Interview with Chris Schermer

If you’re a B2B marketer, right about now you’re frantically testing which marketing strategies will help get you through the worst economic catastrophe since the…

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Image of the Burger King Moldy Whopper Campaign

Burger King’s Moldy Whopper: The Future Of ‘Viral Marketing’ In A Post- Coronavirus World?

It’s impossible to forget the first time you saw Burger King’s “Moldy Whopper” spot – a 45-second time-lapse video of a mold-infested Whopper that was…

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4 Lessons Marketers Can Learn From That Creepy Peloton Ad

Will anyone be able to look at a $2,000 Peloton bicycle again with a straight face or, inspired by the actress featured in Peloton’s widely-maligned…

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