
Called a “creativity guru” by the Minneapolis Star Tribune and “always alert to offbeat angles” by the Wall Street Journal, Paul brings to clients 32+ years of PR and social media marketing experience with such brands as 3M, Hormel, Caribou Coffee, General Mills, Deluxe Corp, Pitney Bowes, OfficeMax, NordicTrack, Hazelden, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Minnesota and Cirque du Soleil.
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happy employees

Secrets of Building An Irresistible Employer Brand: The Nicole Garrison Interview

How can you build a powerhouse employer brand that transforms your company into an irresistible “Best Place To Work” magnet? What steps should you take…

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5 Media Training Lessons From the Disastrous Testimony of MIT, Harvard And UPenn Presidents

When the presidents of MIT, Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania agreed to testify before Congress last December about the antisemitism engulfing their campuses, they…

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2023 banner

Predictions and Warnings for Marketers Seeking to Survive and Thrive in 2023

“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future,” said my favorite philosopher, Yogi Berra. So what can you as a marketing and corporate communications…

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Sharper Angle Panelists

Six Social Media Secrets From Life Time and Noom’s Online Marketing Gurus

Let’s admit it: we had a blast watching two of Minnesota’s most celebrated social media experts – Christina Milanowski, associate director of social media for…

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Kevin Hunt and Tim Brunelle

Content Marketing Secrets of General Mills and Land O’ Lakes

Major brands across America – from Spotify, Wells Fargo and Ikea to Chobani, Mayo Clinic and HBO – are embracing the power of content marketing….

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Woman in grocery store pushing cart full of food.

Food Marketers Master Class: Five Delicious Post-Pandemic Tips To Promote Food Products (and Beyond!)

What should every food & beverage marketer know now about product publicity, new digital tools and influencer marketing to drive sales in a post-pandemic marketplace?…

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