
Called a “creativity guru” by the Minneapolis Star Tribune and “always alert to offbeat angles” by the Wall Street Journal, Paul brings to clients 32+ years of PR and social media marketing experience with such brands as 3M, Hormel, Caribou Coffee, General Mills, Deluxe Corp, Pitney Bowes, OfficeMax, NordicTrack, Hazelden, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Minnesota and Cirque du Soleil.
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PR War Stories: Preparing Your CEO to Testify Before Congress

Which would your CEO rather do: testify before hostile members of Congress under oath or be hung by their toes over a blazing Hibachi grill?

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Become Epic with Content Marketing: Interview with author Joe Pulizzi

When a game-changing marketing strategy has been embraced by such global brands as Coca-Cola, Lego, General Mills, Zappos, Sherwin Williams, Ford, Google, Procter & Gamble…

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